Title: DC Yellow Cab at Night Size: 24 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: May 2023 Price: $1,499.99
Title: Woodbrook 1011, Winter, Night Size: 24 x 30 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: March 2022 Price: $2,500.00
Title: Bourbon Street Nocturne Date: March 2020 Dimensions: 24 x 30 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: $1,499.99
Title: Mulberry and Broome, Little Italy, New York Date: July 2019 Dimensions: 30 x 40 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: $4,000.00 Caffe Roma on the corner of Mulberry Street and Broome Street.
Title: Gas Station at Night Date: October 2018 Dimensions: 24 x 30 inches Media: Oil on Canvas Price: $2,500.00 Night view of a Hess gas station at Florida Ave NE & 6th Street NE near Union Market in Washington,...
Title: Union Station Platform Date: May 2018 Dimensions: 18 x 24 inches Media: Oil on Canvas Price: $950
Title: Cinerama at Night Date: 12/2017 Dimensions: 22 x 28 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: $1,000.00 The Seattle Cinerama is one of three theaters in the world still capable of showing three-panel Cinerama films.
Artwork details Title: NoMa Night Scene, 1st Ne Date: June 2017 Dimensions: 24 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas A red line train approaches Union Station along 1st street NE in DC’s NoMa Neighborhood.
Artwork details Title: South Clark Street Date: Feb 2014 Dimensions: 36 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Work in Progress