Title: Entering DC at Nightfall Date: October 2018 Dimensions: 24 x 48 inches Media: Oil on Canvas Price: $4,000.00
Title: NoMa View, St. Aloysius Date: 2018 Dimensions: 24 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: $3,000 St. Aloysius Catholic Church on North Capitol Street NE. President James Buchanan was present for the dedication of the church on...
Artwork details Title: Senate Fountain Date: July 2016 Dimensions: 24 x 30 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: $2,500.00 The Senate Fountain was designed by architects Bennett, Parsons and Frost.
Artwork details Title: Nightfall over the National Mall Date: May 2015 Dimensions: 18 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: Private Collection A winter sunset looking west over the National Mall.
Artwork details Title: Chicago Board of Trade 2014 Date: July 2014 Dimensions: 12 x 36 inches Medium:Oil on Canvas View of the Board of Trade along Chicago’s LaSalle Street corridor.