Title: Entering DC at Nightfall Date: October 2018 Dimensions: 24 x 48 inches Media: Oil on Canvas Price: $4,000.00
Artwork details Title: NoMa Night Scene, 1st Ne Date: June 2017 Dimensions: 24 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas A red line train approaches Union Station along 1st street NE in DC’s NoMa Neighborhood.
Artwork details Title: Philadelphia Nightfall Date: June 2016 Dimensions: 16 x 20 Inches Medium: Oil on Linen Private Collection Darkness approaches the Philadelphia skyline viewed from the steps of the Fine Art Museum.
Artwork details Title: DC Nocturne, Union Station Date: Nov 2015 Dimensions: 14 x 18 inches Medium: Oil on Linen Winter sky over the Nation’s Capitol building. Nightfall viewed from the west entrance of Union Station.
Artwork details Title: Nightfall over the National Mall Date: May 2015 Dimensions: 18 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: Private Collection A winter sunset looking west over the National Mall.
Title: Street at Night (Self-Park) Dimensions: 24 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: 1993 Additional: Private Collection