Artwork details Title: Flower Shop at Night Date: Nov 2015 Dimensions: 18 x 24 inches Medium: Oil on Linen A flower shop in DC’s downtown district at night.
Artwork details Title: Notre Dame Stained Glass Date: July 2015 Dimensions: 36 x 48 inches Medium: Oil and Alkyd on Canvas Stained glass window and altar in an ambulatory chapel of Notre Dame in Paris. Work in Progress
Artwork details Title: Nightfall over the National Mall Date: May 2015 Dimensions: 18 x 36 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Price: Private Collection A winter sunset looking west over the National Mall.
Artwork details Title: Chicago Board of Trade 2014 Date: July 2014 Dimensions: 12 x 36 inches Medium:Oil on Canvas View of the Board of Trade along Chicago’s LaSalle Street corridor.
Artwork details Title: South Clark Street Date: Feb 2014 Dimensions: 36 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Work in Progress
Artwork details Title: Central Camera at Night Date:May 2011 Dimensions:36 x 48 inches Medium:Oil on Canvas Central Camera on South Wabash Avenue in Chicago’s Loop.
Artwork details Title: Skyscraper Wall (South Michigan Avenue) Date: May 2011 Dimensions: 24 x 48 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas View looking north from the Art Institute.
Title: Old St. Pats (Chicago) Dimensions: 36 x 44 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: 2010 Additional: Private Commission
Title: Opera Performance Dimensions: 9 x 12 inches Medium: Oil on Panel Date: June 2009 Additional: Collection of the Artist
Title: Wrigley Building and Chicago Tribune Dimensions: 35 x 52 inches Medium: Oil on Canvas Date: May 2008 Price: S2.150